次时代低分辨率游戏角色角色-剥皮教程 EAT3D-Character Skinning – Skinning A Low-Res Character Production DVD

学习教程次时代低分辨率游戏角色角色-剥皮教程 EAT3D-Character Skinning – Skinning A Low-Res Character Production DVD已关闭评论1,404

次时代低分辨率游戏角色角色-剥皮教程  EAT3D-Character Skinning – Skinning A Low-Res Character Production DVD-图片1

EAT 3D Character Skinning - Skinning A Low-Res Character For Animation - 大型游戏制作公司Eat3d 出品的游戏角色剥皮教程,次时代低分辨率游戏动画角色-剥皮教程,专门为游戏角色动画师而制作的教程,这类教程极少,绝对的极品教程,值得珍藏。
教程所使用的软件:3ds Max 2010 ,教程时长达2.5小时

Eat3D Character Skinning - Skinning A Low-Res Character For Animation
Apps Used:3ds Max 2010
Duration:2.5 Hours
Project Files:The final 3ds Max file as seen in the video.


In this DVD, JP Self makes the character from the Low-Res Character Production DVD animation-ready by skinning it from head-to-toe. He goes over how to fit the biped to the mesh, using the weight tool to adjust the folds in those tricky areas (such as the hands, shoulders, and pelvis), mirroring the vertices from one half of the character to the other in order to achieve that professional outcome, and even resizing the character after the skinning is complete.

次时代低分辨率游戏角色角色-剥皮教程  EAT3D-Character Skinning – Skinning A Low-Res Character Production DVD-图片2

在这张DVD,JP Self 使用低分辨率角色生产DVD动画蒙皮效果,从头部到脚趾已经准备好了。他接着就如何适应两足动物的网格,使用工具来调整体重和这些棘手的领域(如手,肩部和骨盆),为实现这一专业的结果,反映了从一个角色的一半顶点到其他顺序,甚至到角色的大小,再到剥皮的完成。

This DVD will help you get a better understanding of the methods and the reasoning behind the techniques that professionals use in production.

About the Instructor:
JP has been in the video game industry since graduating from the Art Institute of Houston in 2002. Over the last 8 years he has worked at such studios as Timegate, EA Mythic, and is currently an Animator at Xaviant Games.

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