影视制作模拟现实海水教程 C4D and After Effects Tutorial Oceanic Water

学习教程影视制作模拟现实海水教程 C4D and After Effects Tutorial Oceanic Water已关闭评论1,641

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C4D and After Effects Tutorial - Realistic Oceanic Water 由renderready出品的C4D and After Effects相结合创建和模拟海水特效教程,影视制作模拟现实海水教程

Realistic Oceanic Water
This animation shows how water can be simulated in Cinema 4D. To achieve this effect, you must use an animated subpolygon displacement channel, colors from a photograph and a lot of patience. Also learn how to create the ocean rocks using textures and displacement as well. Tutorial soon to follow.
这段动画显示水如何能够在Cinema 4D中模拟现实海洋水。为了达到这种效果,你必须使用动画subpolygon位移通道从一张照片中,包括色彩和极大的耐心。还将学习如何创建使用纹理海洋岩石以及位移。教程将很快效仿。
Tutorial 5 - Oceanic Water - Part 1

This tutorial will help you create your own oceanic water in Cinema 4D. This tutorial will go over sub-polygon displacement, how to animate noise textures over different channels, and how to paint using vertex maps. Very cool stuff. Also, be sure to check out part 2 to see how to bring this animation together in AE.

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Tutorial 5 - Oceanic Water - Part 2

In part 2, we will find out how to import our 3d files from Cinema and complete our shots in post. Find out how to make your horizon line, sky, fog effects, and a few curves and color tricks to really bring out this animation.

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Cinema 4D and After Effects Tutorial - Oceanic Water
1280x720 | 60 min | 754 MB | flv
Gender: elearning




