本模板是关于AtomX出品精品视频模板PRAE模板V2025年度合集,大小:151 GB,格式:atom,aep,prproj,pekmogrt,jsxbin等,分辨率:4K,使用软件版本:AE/PR CC 或以上版本,共包含42组视频模板。人人素材分享
1. 转到文件夹“01.Install AtomX Extension/AtomX”并解压文件“AtomX v3.0.9.zip”。 (注意:您可以使用以前的版本,但软件包已使用版本 3.0.9 进行了测试)。
2. 将文件夹“AtomX”复制到“C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions”。
3. 双击“Add Keys.reg”将密钥添加到 Windows 注册表。
4. 在 After Effects (AE) 或 Premiere 中,转到“文件 > 首选项 > 脚本和表达式”,禁用选项“允许脚本写入文件和访问网络”,然后确认。
1. 在“After Effects 软件包”或“Premiere Pro 软件包”文件夹中,提取要使用的软件包。
2. 打开 Premiere Pro 或 After Effects,然后转到“窗口 > 扩展 > AtomX”。
3. 打开 AtomX,单击“安装第一个软件包”。
4. 导航到提取软件包的文件夹并选择 .atom 文件。
5. 在“安装方法”中,选择“不复制”,然后单击“继续”。
6. 根据需要对其他软件包重复此过程。
After Effects Packages:
01. 700+ Assets For After Effects
02. 1000+ Elements For After Effects
03. 1000+ Titles For After Effects
04. AtomX 4500+ Graphics Pack 25010010 V5
05. MegaMotion | Animation Motion Presets
06. 1500+ Transitions for After Effects
07. 900+ Backgrounds For After Effects
08. Big Pack of Typography | Atom
09. Collage Pack
10. Essential Titles and Lower Thirds
11. FRACTAL X | 650+ Glitch Pack
12. 500+ Glitch Assets For After Effects
13. AtomX Graphics Pack Rise v1.0
14. History Pack V1
15. iBG | 300+ Loop Backgrounds
16. 400+ Vertical Templates For After Effects
17. Instagram Stories
18. Just Typography Pack
19. Medical Constructor
20. Mega FX Pack (+1600 FX)
21. Motion Graphics Pack // 550+ Animations Pack
22. Videohive Photo Animator Effects
23. Videohive Romantic Pack V2.0
24. Seamless Loop Kinetic Posters
25. Shape Elements Library | AtomX
26. Videohive Stream Overlays Elements Bundle
27. Text Effect
28. Text Presets | Atom
29. Ultimate Logo Reveal Pack
30. Social Pack
31. Text Presets
32. Motion Presets
33. Ransom Letters
34. Hand Drawn Constructor
35. Countdown Paper
36. BASE | Transitions and Motion Graphics for After Effects
37. Collage Kit Constructor
38. Instagram Stories Big Pack
39. 300+ Slides For After Effects
40. Technology Constructor
41. 8000+ High-Quality Motion Templates
42. Transitions Toolbox
43. VFX Effects Pack
Premier Pro Packages:
01. 400+ Vertical Transitions Pack for Social Media
02. Youtube Pack – Transitions
03. Gal Toolkit for Premiere Pro v3.4
04. BASE | Transitions and Motion Graphics for Premiere Pro
05. Titles and Lower Thirds Pack
06. iBG | 300+ Loop Backgrounds for Premiere Pro
07. Instagram Stories and Motion Graphics | Titles & Transitions Premiere Pro Template
08. Shape Elements Library | AtomX
09. Technology Constructor Premiere
10. Ultimate Analog Paper Film Transitions Pack | Premiere Pro
11. Just Typography Pack for Premiere Pro
12. Collage Creator for Premiere Pro
13. 1500+ Transitions for Premiere Pro
14. 250+ Epic Visual Transition Pack | Premiere Pro
15. Effects Pro