无线通讯开发软件 Gemalto Developer Suite V3.4.2

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无线通讯开发软件  Gemalto Developer Suite V3.4.2

Gemalto 的新版 Developer Suite 3.4支持Windows vista且内含在线更新服务,方便用户在Gemalto产品出新时实时更新。同时支持无线通信技术(Near Field Communication, NFC)和智能卡网络服务器(Smart Card Web Server, SCWS)您可以在端对端的模拟环境中用NFC Tag Simulators, NFC Reader Application Simulators, Server Simulators等嵌入网络浏览器的仿真器来开发Applets, Servlets。



Developer eases Wireless Solutions development for the Java developers, managing such development directly in a familiar environment: the Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Hence, the developer will smoothly understand the Java Card specificities.

Dedicated Java Card wizards enable easy project creation and Wireless Applications code generation. These Rapid Application Development Wizards are designed with valid default values (always click on 'next' button) to quickly create an operational standard application in a real smart card.

This significantly decreases the developer learning curve and the total development time!


Developer comes with an end-to-end Simulation Suite:

  • Card Simulators for SIM Cards, USIM Cards, R-UIM Cards and NFC Cards
  • Mobile Simulators for 2G, 3G and CDMA
  • Server Simulator

This end-to-end Simulation Suite combined with the features of the IDE provides One Click Debugging of your Wireless Applications! Your Applet will be 100% functional when you download it on a real card.


Using the Application Manager available with the Developer, you may easily download your Applets in a real card and then test it either with our end-to-end simulation environment or with a real Mobile and the real Network.




