3DCreative 艺术杂志Vol.63 (2010年11月 高质量版 )

学习教程3DCreative 艺术杂志Vol.63 (2010年11月 高质量版 )已关闭评论1,353

3DCreative 艺术杂志Vol.63 (2010年11月 高质量版 )-图片1


3DCreative Issue 063 \/2010(highres版本,高质量版)最新一期商业CG杂志。本期为:3dcreative 2010 1108 issue 063 Ebook!(本杂志至推出到现在得到CG业界一致的好评!!)

Zoo Publishing3d total合作,联合推出一本pdf格式的CG杂志,名叫3DCreative,该杂志为月刊。该杂志的服务对象主要为3D艺术家、CG从业人员。内容涉及到CG业界新闻、评论、采访、教程和一些比赛等,是付费杂志。CG爱好者不要错过。

3DCreative 艺术杂志Vol.63 (2010年11月 高质量版 )-图片2

Welcome toIssue 36 – August 2008. You’ll discover this month that we’re going to witness the finale of our Beginners Guide to ZBrush tutorial series. But we’re certainly going out on a high with this one,as Wayne Robson has sneakily been filming the progress of his tutorial in a dark cupboard somewhere in the UK, and he posted the movie to us last week for me to give away to you guys – for free – for all of you who’ve been following the ZBrush series! See page 92 for the final instalment from Wayne for this series, and click on the “View Movie” download icon to get your mitts on the movie which accompanies this fantastic series. And as one series ends, another tutorial series begins – this time in the form of a mega 6-part tutorial series covering the complete creation of an aged and weathered scene, specialising in texturing and lighting! Richard Tilbury kicks off this new series with the first of 6 parts on the ‘importance of references’ (page 86). Parts 1 – 3 are designed for artists to follow using any software versions, and parts 4 – 6 will be split up into our favourite 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, LightWave and Softimage XSI versions for some interesting and varied results from each of our talented tutorial artists. We will welcome back some old faces for Cinema 4D and XSI versions of this series, and we’ll introduce some new faces for both Maya and LightWave, so stay tuned over the next 6 months to follow the complete creation of an aged and weathered scene! In fact, why not grab yourselves a 6-month subscription today, to make sure you don’t miss out on any of this new series? You’ll save money and learn how to create a 3D image from scratch, all over the course of just 6 months. What more can you ask for?! Enjoy this month’s issue!

PDF Magazine CG creatives around the globe. 3DCreative Magazine will focus on techniques, tutorials, interviews, articles, project overviews and galleries. We will have news and reviews too but we find that these topics are best covered by the online news and CG sites that thrive on daily updates. Our magazine will focus on becoming more of a timeless resource for artists to turn to again and again whether you view it from your screen or
choose to print it off.

