RealFlow 5使用过滤器控制离子教程 Digital Tutors Using Filter to Control Particles in RealFlow 5

学习教程RealFlow 5使用过滤器控制离子教程 Digital Tutors Using Filter to Control Particles in RealFlow 5已关闭评论1,517

由Digital Tutors 公司最新出品的Digital Tutors Using Filter to Control Particles in RealFlow 5教程,RealFlow 5使用过滤器控制离子教程。释放时间:2010年10月31
教程所使用的软件:RealFlow 5 and up

RealFlow 5使用过滤器控制离子教程  Digital Tutors Using Filter to Control Particles in RealFlow 5-图片1

In this series of lessons we'll learn how to use the Filter daemon to separate our particles into multiple emitters that we can then individually control with exclusive links. This gives us an incredible amount of control that would have to script in otherwise.

RealFlow 5使用过滤器控制离子教程  Digital Tutors Using Filter to Control Particles in RealFlow 5-图片2

We'll begin this project by setting up our initial objects, emitters and daemons. Once we have everything ready to go, we'll introduce our filter daemon and examine exactly how it works, and how we can use it to move particles into different emitters. Once we have the filter daemon working, we can use exclusive links to affect our emitters in various ways. We'll then look at various attributes and ways of changing particle values to show the vast range of different methods we can use to filter particles. We'll then combine our knowledge along with a few more daemons to create an interested effect.

RealFlow 5使用过滤器控制离子教程  Digital Tutors Using Filter to Control Particles in RealFlow 5-图片3
1. Introduction and project overview

RealFlow 5使用过滤器控制离子教程  Digital Tutors Using Filter to Control Particles in RealFlow 5-图片4
3. Adding our Magic daemon and object

RealFlow 5使用过滤器控制离子教程  Digital Tutors Using Filter to Control Particles in RealFlow 5-图片5
5. Animating the Filter Daemon to create an interesting effect

RealFlow 5使用过滤器控制离子教程  Digital Tutors Using Filter to Control Particles in RealFlow 5-图片6
7. Controlling the transition using velocity and daemons

RealFlow 5使用过滤器控制离子教程  Digital Tutors Using Filter to Control Particles in RealFlow 5-图片6
2. Filling our tub with water and setting the initial state

RealFlow 5使用过滤器控制离子教程  Digital Tutors Using Filter to Control Particles in RealFlow 5-图片7
4. Understanding the Filter Daemon

RealFlow 5使用过滤器控制离子教程  Digital Tutors Using Filter to Control Particles in RealFlow 5-图片8
6. Controlling the transition using an object and heat

