概念艺术素描技法 手绘教程 iDRAWGiRLS – Speed Painting Technique I – How to Paint Quick Concept Art in

学习教程概念艺术素描技法 手绘教程 iDRAWGiRLS – Speed Painting Technique I – How to Paint Quick Concept Art in已关闭评论1,075

iDRAWGiRLS - Speed Painting Technique I - How to Paint Quick Concept Art in Under a Few Hours

 .wmv | +eBook | +Brushes | 443Mb

In this TUTORIAL, you will discover how to paint quick color concept design within a few hours or less.  Speedpainting is the most effective form of communication or expression amongst most concept artists nowadays.  “Speed painting” is an method of painting or illustration, primarily a digital art form, in which one paints on a time budget, using already developed methods to create a piece. The pieces usually have an "unpolished" appearance, which stresses the importance of every stroke made on the canvas, digital or otherwise.
This tutorial will mainly focus what’s the most important elements in painting with speed.  It is about using value, color, texture, and composition to create a compelling and narrative piece within a relatively narrow timeframe.
The digital method of speedpainting are in a lot of way similar to "Alla Prima" method of traditional fine artists.
01) Back lighting & Characters
02) One point perspective city scape
03) Light & Shadow & Depth of field
04) Figurative Brush work. 
Topics covered:
-Exploring lines and line width.
-Exploring Shapes and utilize them
-Shapes, Value and Composition
-Working in Monochrome
-Working with soft and hard edges
-Dealing with multiple characters.
-Lighting dos and don’ts.
-Manipulating value and shape.
-Exploring depth of field.
-Working with Light and Shadow.
-Using perspective brushes.
-Exploring custom brushes and utilize them.

