CINEMA 4D 12基础教程 Video2Brain – CINEMA 4D 12 Das umfassende Training

学习教程CINEMA 4D 12基础教程 Video2Brain – CINEMA 4D 12 Das umfassende Training已关闭评论1,202

CINEMA 4D 12基础教程  Video2Brain – CINEMA 4D 12 Das umfassende Training

Video2Brain - CINEMA 4D 12 Das umfassende Training
Genre: Training | Language: German | ISO | 5.02 GB


You do not want as compositing artist not in the video section on real 3D or add more as Photoshop graphic to your repertoire of professional 3D graphics? Or you need a solid basic training and a good overview of the functions of major release 12? Anne Powers takes you as an individual private training including the basics, and deepens the learning of practical examples and challenging workshops on modeling, animation and still-image calculation. With all the new features of version 12, deformation properties, the dynamic features and a 30-day full version of CINEMA 4D 12

