《Nuke三维合成教程》(Digital-Tutors : Introduction to 3D in Nuke)

学习教程《Nuke三维合成教程》(Digital-Tutors : Introduction to 3D in Nuke)已关闭评论1,521
Digital Tutors - Introduction to 3D in Nuke
English | VP6F 782x646 | MP3 96 kbps | 322 MB
Genre: eLearning


In this series of lessons we' learn how to use Nukes 3D compositing system. Using this 3D system, we can do many things that would be difficult or time-consuming in a pure 2D workflow, such as creating parallax and making sure thigns line up in 3D space.

We'll begin this project by dropping in some basic geometry and learning how to move around the 3D interface. We'll then learn the basic components of a 3D system which is comprised of your geometry, a scene, a camera, and a scanline render to convert all of that back into 2d image data. We'll then learn how to bring in external geometry and how to use shaders, materials and lights to gain more control over our 3d geometry. We'll also learn some various tips on using 2D nodes with 3D nodes.

《Nuke三维合成教程》(Digital-Tutors : Introduction to 3D in Nuke)
1. Introduction and Project Overview

《Nuke三维合成教程》(Digital-Tutors : Introduction to 3D in Nuke)
3. Base components of a 3D System

《Nuke三维合成教程》(Digital-Tutors : Introduction to 3D in Nuke)
5. Using a Scene node to bring together multiple objects

《Nuke三维合成教程》(Digital-Tutors : Introduction to 3D in Nuke)
7. Adding Shaders to control an objects material

《Nuke三维合成教程》(Digital-Tutors : Introduction to 3D in Nuke)
9. Using an Axis node to transform multiple nodes
2. Adding a 3D Object and Moving around the viewport

《Nuke三维合成教程》(Digital-Tutors : Introduction to 3D in Nuke)
4. Using 2D Images to color our 3D objects

《Nuke三维合成教程》(Digital-Tutors : Introduction to 3D in Nuke)
6. Using the ReadGeo node to bring in external models

《Nuke三维合成教程》(Digital-Tutors : Introduction to 3D in Nuke)
8. Adding Lights into our scene

《Nuke三维合成教程》(Digital-Tutors : Introduction to 3D in Nuke)
10. Final Tweaks and Multisample Motion Blur

