《无极黑-角色创意训练教程》(Massive Black – Marko Djurdjevics Character Ideation)

学习教程《无极黑-角色创意训练教程》(Massive Black – Marko Djurdjevics Character Ideation)已关闭评论1,193

中文名:  无极黑-角色创意训练教程
英文名:  Massive Black - Marko Djurdjevics Character Ideation
素材分类: CG教程
素材容量: 1.63GB
素材格式:  Flv
出品机构:  Massive Black
发行时间: 2010年
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
文字语言: 英文
下载方式: Hotflie网盘
《无极黑-角色创意训练教程》(Massive Black – Marko Djurdjevics Character Ideation)

Massive Black is proud to announce Marko Djurdjevic's Character Ideation DVD. This first installment in the Massive Black Artist Training series contains five times more content than other art DVD's on the market. It also goes on sale for an affordable 45 bucks too. That is the equivalent of paying about 9 bucks for the current training dvd's available from other companies. Massive Black and ConceptArt.Org offer the highest quality training dvd's available as well as the most affordable solution out there.


