3ds Max渲染和纹理(Gnomon出品)

学习教程3ds Max渲染和纹理(Gnomon出品)已关闭评论1,872

3ds Max渲染和纹理(Gnomon出品)

Rendering and Texturing in 3ds Max with Ramy Hanna | mov | 189Mb

3DS Max Rendering Iridescence w/ the Shellac Material  min

In this tutorial, Ramy Hanna covers the funadamentals of creating iridescent materials in 3ds Max. Iridescence is an optical phenomenon in which hue changes depending on the angle at which it is being viewed. Iridescence can be seen in cds, shells and bubbles. Ramy starts with a reflective material and details how he uses Max's Shellac material to create a three channel material that accurately recreates the optical effect of iridescence.

3DS Max Texturing with Arch & Design Mental Ray Materials min

Ramy Hanna, goes through texturing 9 different materials with the Arch & Design shader through Mental Ray for 3ds Max 2009. He covers materials such as plastic, cloth, chrome, glass, concrete, brick and wood all in this 60 minute tutorial. This tutorial is a must for anyone needing a crash course on architectural texturing. Materials covered are: plastic, cloth, chrome, glass, concrete, brick, painted walls, and wood.

