《ZBush4头部灯光投影制作训练教程》(Digital Tutors Projection Painting with Spotlight in ZBrush 4)

学习教程《ZBush4头部灯光投影制作训练教程》(Digital Tutors Projection Painting with Spotlight in ZBrush 4)已关闭评论1,029

《ZBush4头部灯光投影制作训练教程》(Digital Tutors Projection Painting with Spotlight in ZBrush 4)
ZBrush的已经有好几年了强大的贴图工具,使我们有能力画非常迅速,直观地在我们的模型直接。随着聚光灯在ZBrush 4此外,我们可以预测到我们现有的模型中一个非常用户友好的方式,将让我们在几分钟内很大的成绩纹理。我们将开始导入我们借鉴和学习的图像保存为一个焦点问题,我们可以一遍又一遍地重复出来我们的项目。从那里,我们将学习绘画与他们前调整色调和饱和度,如我们的形象方面。我们还将学习移动我们的形象,以更好地匹配周围地区与基本几何形状。我们还将在模型上填补空白,融入地方,我们可能不会有参考技术。我们将通过使用LightBox的完成下载任何额外的图像也可能需要,并将其纳入现有的焦点。一旦你做,你将能够非常迅速地使用Spotlight来粉刷你的字符或其他机型采用现有的图像。
In this series of lessons we will learn how to use Spotlight in ZBrush 4 to create seamless, photorealistic textures for a human head.
ZBrush has been a powerful texturing tool for several years, giving us the ability to paint very quickly and intuitively directly on our models. With the addition of Spotlight in ZBrush 4, we can project existing textures onto our models in a very user friendly way that will get us great results in a matter of minutes. We will begin our project by importing our reference images and learning to save them out as a Spotlight that we can reuse over and over. From there, we will learn to adjust aspects of our images like hue and saturation before painting with them. We will also learn to move parts of our images around to better match with the underlying geometry. We will also cover techniques for filling gaps on the model to blend in areas that we may not have reference of. We will finish up by using LightBox to download any additional images we might need and incorporate those into our existing Spotlight. Once you are done, you will be able use Spotlight to very quickly paint your characters or other models using existing images.
Lesson Outline (8 lessons)
1. Introduction and project overview
2. Assembling images and saving a Spotlight
3. Adjusting images in preparation for projection
4. Using the Nudge brush to warp images to fit geometry
5. Projecting the ear
6. Projecting other areas of the head
7. Filling in texture gaps manually
8. Projecting the eyes and creating texture maps
