The Gnomon WorkShop官方信息:The Gnomon Workshop 艺术设计殿堂极力缔造者,最新发行Character Modelling for Next-Gen Games:Modeling and Sculpting with Richard Smith 次世代游戏角色建模教程。GNOMON教程,每每给我们于激情与期待!让我们在CG设计路上不再独行!让我们共同期待!让我们共同期待与业界CG顶尖设计师的面对面!少玩多花些时间多学习学习,让我们的商业作品与众不同! Gnomon的教程向来以其前沿的技术和清晰的视频质量而受到广大用户的青睐。
the gnomon workshop 出品的教程:次世代游戏角色建模 (Character Modelling for Next-Gen Games)
主讲:Richard Smith
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在本张DVD中导师Richard Smith将会通过次时代游戏角色建模来为大家讲解游戏角色模型创建时所应该注意的事项及技巧。本教程适合那些对Maya多边形建模有一些基础的艺术家们使用。Richard Smith的这个DVD教程是一个奇妙的介绍如何创建下一代完全现实的游戏模式。涵盖了一切你需要知道的关于建立下一代的游戏角色造型的基础网格,雕刻皱纹,创造低分辨率游戏网格和下一代标准地图。
Richard Smith 一个屡获殊荣的角色艺术家,在游戏行业中有九年的经验。参与制作过:星球大战之前线 3, 时空分裂者4,《毫无预警》,《Haze》
Low-Res Base Mesh
Realistic Clothing Folds
Legs, Torso and Backpack
Using Nex and XNormal
Game Geometry
Richard Smith is an award-winning character artist with over nine years of experience in the games industry. His has worked on such titles as Star Wars Battlefront 3, Time Splitters 4, Without Warning and Haze which he worked on while at Free Radical Design. His experience spans high and low resolution modeling, texturing and character rigging. In his free time he creates high resolution digital sculptures for collectible figurines.