《AE后期特效视频教程》Zaxwerks Making It Look Great Volume V

学习教程《AE后期特效视频教程》Zaxwerks Making It Look Great Volume V已关闭评论859

ZAXWERKS MAKING IT LOOK GREAT V最新After Effect后期特效制作教程!使用After Effect精确地创建引人注目的动态图形和视觉效果。利用与其他 Adobe 软件的紧密集成、高度灵活的 2D 和 3D 合成,以及数百种预设的效果和动画,为电影、视频、DVD 和 Macromedia Flash 作品增添令人耳目一新的效果。
After Effect 后期制作教程第四部分。Making It Look Great 5 with Harry Frank
《AE后期特效视频教程》Zaxwerks Making It Look Great Volume V
在这张深入探讨的视频教程中,跟随广播电视以及After Effects 特效专家 Alan Shisko 学习后期制作技术,作者将引导您逐步通过一些本最喜爱的技术,来创造制作出广播级动画项目作品。
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator Pro 是一款适用于AfterEffects的插件。能够让你直接把3D模型带进AfterEffects中。另外你可以把两维的图层和3维的元素混合起来。此款插件在处理速度和灵活性上都有所增强。能够从其他的三维图形软件中导进图形。 AE下最棒的三维标题或标识制作插件,把很多原先必须依靠三维才能完成的任务移植到了合成软件中。AE添加了3D空间后,3D Invigorator能够提供图层并建立造型优美的3D模型。程序特性: 1.强大的功能-可在同一方案中将2D图层与3D元素混合; 2.速度快-当显卡支持OpenGL加速时能提高渲染速度; 3.高度灵活性-允许设计自己风格的外观; 4,导入导出文本和标志的3D模型;
After Effects的插件3D Invigorator PRO对设计师很有帮助并且可以大量地生成3D图形。
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator Pro下的专业的建模和贴图
转换3D Invigorator对象的高级技术
用Blend Mode创建颜色等级
掌握After Effects Graph Editor
Making It Look Great 5
A massive 7 Hours of Kick-ass Design, Production and Workflow Techniques for Adobe After Effects
Work along with After Effects expert Jerzy Drozda Jr. (aka. Maltaannon) as he guides you step by step through a wide range of motion graphics and visual effects looks and techniques. Learn how to harness the power of expressions in After Effects to make beautiful, complex animations and save time. Whether you’re an After Effects beginner or expert you’ll learn valuable techniques that will make your work look great. Included with the 10 video tutorials are 3 bonus video tutorials (Gyro Extended, Butterfly Man extended and Working with the Presets) plus free plug-ins and presets discussed throughout the lessons. Work fast, work smart, look great with Making It Look Great 5.
《AE后期特效视频教程》Zaxwerks Making It Look Great Volume V
Create a cool-looking gyroscopic element completely within After Effects. This tutorial
includes extensive use of Shape Layers, parenting and simple expressions to create a
technical look using almost no keyframes.
《AE后期特效视频教程》Zaxwerks Making It Look Great Volume V
Create a slick push pin toy effect as seen in the Radiohead “House of Cards” video. This tutorial shows you how to combine regular footage with Trapcode’s popular Form plug-in
to create an eye-popping 3D effect.
《AE后期特效视频教程》Zaxwerks Making It Look Great Volume V
Create a reusable retro-style computer terminal animation. Harness the power of
expressions, including some undocumented features to change the text content and
look on the fly. Learn how to turn a simple typewriter effect into realistic DOS-style
computer readout.
《AE后期特效视频教程》Zaxwerks Making It Look Great Volume V
Create a realistic and detailed Jumbotron-style video screen. This tutorial includes
must-know keying techniques, tips on creating volumetric lights and presets, and ingenious
workflow for creating complex looks on a single layer using the CC Composite effect.
The advanced CE Screenify effect is also included in the download exclusively for Making
It Look Great 5 viewers.
