短路循环鼓音乐素材 KreativeSounds ShortCircuit Drum Loops MULTiFORMAT SCD

音乐素材短路循环鼓音乐素材 KreativeSounds ShortCircuit Drum Loops MULTiFORMAT SCD已关闭评论1,717

短路循环鼓音乐素材  KreativeSounds ShortCircuit Drum Loops MULTiFORMAT SCD

KreativeSounds ShortCircuit Drum Loops MULTiFORMAT SCD | 174 MB
LOOPS ShortCircuit Drums is a collection of 48 sci-fi, twisted and wierd drum loops ranging from 56 BPM to 140 BPM. These oxidized drum loops have been obtained through extrensive audio manipulation, filtering and distortion. Do you lack inspiration? Do you need fresh drums? Try ShortCircuit Drum Loops!. Let LOOPS ShortCircuit Drums to spice up your drum tracks!.

LOOPS ShortCircuit Drums cost as much or as little as you want to pay. Is that simple! Just click on the button below and enter the amount you want to pay. This method of payment is great for audio hobbyists, enthusiasts and the next big selling artists that have a lower budget for the moment, but still want to have pro sounds in their audio arsenal. So go ahead, choose an amount and buy it if you want it!.
