《Cinema 4D中级培训教程》FXPHD C4D211 – Intermediate Cinema4D

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由FXPHD公司出品的FXPHD C4D211 - Intermediate Cinema4D 教程,Cinema 4D中级培训教程.

CINEMA 4D领先业界的专业三维软件开发者,广受好评的三维建模、绘图、动画和渲染软件。

MAXON潜心致力于增强CINEMA 4D强大的功能,真正提高各行业用户的生产力,包括影视、广播、建筑、产品可视化、游戏、多媒体等,”MAXON的创始人兼CEO说道,“在新的R12版本中,许多功能上的升级将帮助所有用户获得更好效果,节省宝贵的时间和资源。” “CINEMA 4D为我的设计团队提供了在极其紧张的时间期限内创造奇迹的可能,”Perception NYC的副创意总监John LePore说,“R11.5有许多新的功能特色和升级,尤其是MoGraph 2的那些功能,让之前足以已使人兴奋的工具集更加强大。”

《Cinema 4D中级培训教程》FXPHD C4D211 – Intermediate Cinema4D

This class is the logical next step for those that have already completed the Cinema 4D 101 and 102 courses. This is an updated course that is based upon content from the previous and now outdated C4D201 course. Using the latest release of Cinema4D, all the techniques covered will be using the current feature set of the application.

The main focus of the course will be using Cinema4D to create motion graphics. Through all the classes, general workflow and project management will be discussed, including organising your scenes in the object manager, use of layers, and managing layouts.

We will look at practical uses for many of the features, including MoGraph, Thinking Particles, Hair, Dynamics, Cloth, Mocca and Sketch and Toon. This will also involve practical use of Xpresso, material and shader exploration, lighting and rendering techniques.

Throughout the term we will work on both tips and techniques in workshop style classes, as well as project based motion graphics projects. Specifically taking a concept and developing the animation, outputting various render passes and compositing these in After Effects.

Based in Sydney Australia, Tim Clapham is a multi-disciplinary animator and compositor. Evolving from a solid foundation in traditional animation using both Film and Video, Tim soon transitioned into the digital domain and has forged a solid career in the world of Motion Graphics. With over 11 years of industry experience, Tim is accomplished with many 3D animation and Digital Compositing applications


