《modo 301卡通角色制作教程》Digital Tutors Creating Cartoon Characters in modo

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《modo 301卡通角色制作教程》Digital Tutors Creating Cartoon Characters in modo

个人认为,对于3D动画制作来说,MODO的实力不亚于MAYA,但因普及过底,教程过少导致很多人对其望而生畏,我觉得MODO的UV还是当之无愧的王者^ ^放出本教程,大家一起切磋,欢迎大家到讨论关于3D动画制作的问题.
Digital Tutors Creating Cartoon Characters in modo A complete guide to developing stylized organic characters
Digital Tutors最新出品的Mode 301卡通角色制作教程,3CD,

学习艺术家创建角色的友好工作流程,包括Modo 301建模,纹理和渲染技术.超过6个小时以项目为基础的训练,让艺术家们就像看电影动画一样学习Modo和创建卡通角色的艺术过程

Learn an artist-friendly workflow to character modeling, texturing, and rendering with modo 301. Contains over 6 hours of project-based training for artists learning modo and the artistic processes of creating stylized cartoon characters as seen in animated feature films.

modo 301是一款出色的3D软件,可应用于电影、游戏、电视等其他行业,modo结合了高级实时次细分表面技术引擎,其灵活的用户界面及工具集,可创建各种形式的模型,modo以高级的多边形和细分表面建模和快速高质的GI渲染见长,受到许多3D爱好者和专业人士的喜爱。

modo 301新特征如下:

1、全面出击:功能与工具的增强。modo 301增强了程序功能并且提升了核心工具的性能,例如建模、绘制和渲染,并且进一步改善了工作流程。两个新增的核心功能是:真实3D雕刻、动画项目和属性。

2、精确建模和雕刻:modo 301的细分建模能够快速地创建出生物形态和网格模型结构。




Popular highlights include:

Look Development
Exaggerated Proportions
Adding Appeal
Mesh Sculpting
Image-based Sculpting
Vector Displacement
Painting Textures in modo
Utilizing Shader Tree
Global Illumination
Constraining to Background
Copying/Pasting Polygons
Reusing Geometry
SDS Subdivide
Sub-D Modeling Tools
Morph Maps for Facial Expressions
Combining Falloffs and other Tools
Combining Images with Effects in Shader Tree
Organizing Item List
Pen Tool
Loop Slice
Mirroring Geometry
Modeling with Symmetry
Element Move
Selection Methods
Edit/Delete Message
