《Maya2011跟踪教程》Digital Tutors Exploring Animation Principles in 3ds Max 2011 Follow-through and Overlapping

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《Maya2011跟踪教程》Digital Tutors Exploring Animation Principles in 3ds Max 2011 Follow-through and Overlapping-图片1


在这个过程中,我们将探讨动画的原则坚持到底,并在3ds Max重叠。什么时,应考虑动画后续通过和重叠?可以按照通过实现自动化,以节省时间?我们将回答这些问题,我们将介绍使用这个原则来帮助我们添加更多的现实主义动画技术。到本课程结束时,你会更熟悉的后续行动,通过与重叠,这将帮助您创建更逼真的动画。


《Maya2011跟踪教程》Digital Tutors Exploring Animation Principles in 3ds Max 2011 Follow-through and Overlapping-图片2

Digital Tutors - Exploring Animation Principles in Maya 2011: Follow-through and Overlapping | .flv | 411Mb
In this collection of lessons we will learn about the Animation Principle of Follow-through and Overlapping.
In this course, we will explore the animation principle of Follow-through and Overlapping in 3ds Max. What should be considered when animating Follow-through and Overlap? Can Follow-through be automated to save time? We will answer these questions as we cover techniques for using this principle to help add more realism to our animations. By the end of this course, you will be more knowledgeable of Follow-through and Overlapping Action, which will help you create more natural-looking animations.

Lesson Outline (5 lessons)
1. Introduction and Project Overview
2. Understanding Follow-through and Overlapping
3. Finishing the first exercise
4. Working with the Spring controller
5. Completing the jiggle rig
