本合辑是关于现代风格家具PBR纹理贴图合集,大小:370 MB,格式:fbx,blend,obj,mtl,包含现代风格家具PBR纹理贴图与3D模型,共广大设计师学习使用!
Here is a complete & realistic Scandinavian Furniture Set for all your archviz projects. More than 70 ready-to-use objects in 3 formats (FBX / OBJ / BLEND), with non-overlapping UVs for light baking. Each object has its own PBR texture set for a quick implementation in your favorite 3D software or game engine – you will just have to plug each image texture in the correct input (Albedo, Roughness, Metalness, Normal)-. No particular settings needed, except for the Glass shader that you will have to create by yourself. Hope you’ll like it! Textures : textures.com / pixabay.com / template.net / vecteezy.com