本教程是关于国外讲师高级人像摄影工作流程视频教程,时长:2小时57分,大小: 1 GB,MP4高清视频格式,作者:Derrick Story,共47章节,语言:英语。
RED ONE是数字电影摄像机,其可拍摄水平像素高达4096(4K)的高质量清晰图像,并直接将图像以电子格式存储在硬盘存储器里,从而实现了全数字化制作。
red one配合行业标准的电影摄像机镜头接口(PL Mount),摄影师可以得心应手地使用市面上各种常见的。专业电影摄像机镜头进行拍摄。RED ONE的全程数字化优势,减去了传统影片制作流程中胶片存储及底片扫描的环节,大大节约了制作成本,并实现了随拍随看,让拍摄数字电影真正成为一种享受!
red one在影视行业大家已不陌生了,是当今最牛的DV产品之一,正是他的出现,而改变了有日本生产的摄像机垄断高端摄像摄影机的局面,由于好莱坞大导演们开始采用red one来拍摄电影大片,从而也撼动了索尼公司在数字电影拍摄机中的霸主地位。Red Digital Cinema这个品牌出现在中国读者的视野里,还要源于2009年的一宗盗窃案,Red Digital Cinema原型机被盗,悬赏10万美金捉拿窃贼的消息曾被国内媒体广泛报道。自此大家才发现,竟然有这么样一款超前的产品被一个不知名的公司推向市场。如今Big RED ONE这个命运多坎坷的产品终于开始正式发售了,也圆了这个品牌“将专业品质的摄像机带到普通人手中”的创办理念,当然全套数十万人民币的售价。恐怕不是发展中国家普通人消费得起的。
The senior portrait is a traditional rite of passage for high school students. An effective portrait captures the personality of the subject and is often shot on location or outdoors. In this course, photographer and educator Derrick Story explores the art and technique of modern senior portraiture, from working with the student and his or her parents to plan a shot list, to shooting indoors and out, to delivering the final shots. For the freelance photographer interested in senior portraiture as a business, Derrick discusses topics such as developing a pricing strategy and setting up an affordable and portable studio. He also examines gear and workflow considerations, including lighting, sharing proofs, and post-processing your photos in Lightroom, Capture One Pro, and Photos for macOS.
Topics include:
Guidelines for senior portraits
Setting up a portable studio
Posing subjects
Shooting outside
Working with family members
Using mirrorless cameras and smartphones
Editing senior portraits
Exporting and delivering images |