Magic Retouch Pro磨皮润肤化妆扩展面板PS插件V4.3版

软件插件Magic Retouch Pro磨皮润肤化妆扩展面板PS插件V4.3版已关闭评论1,571

Magic Retouch Pro磨皮润肤化妆扩展面板PS插件V4.3版-图片1

本插件是关于Magic Retouch Pro磨皮润肤化妆扩展面板PS插件V4.3版,大小:50 MB,支持Photoshop软件,支持Win与Mac系统,语言:英语。

功能:Magic Retouch Pro的功能很全面,磨皮润肤化妆还包括美白牙齿、嘴唇上色,眼睛上色等功能。

1、压缩包内包括1个Photoshop ATN动作文件(直接双击就可以在PS软件里调用,支持所有的PS软件版本)。
2、扩展面板主程序文件,此扩展面板只支持CC及以下版本,支持CC2015版本。扩展面板不是ZXP格式,不能直接双击安装,而是复制压缩包里Plugins目录下的所有文件到X:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015\Plug-ins\Panels目录下(X是指自己安装PS软件所在的盘符)。具体的可以查看压缩包里的PDF教程,打开后有详细的安装说明。



Magic Retouch Pro磨皮润肤化妆扩展面板PS插件V4.3版-图片2Magic Retouch Pro磨皮润肤化妆扩展面板PS插件V4.3版-图片2

Magic Retouch Pro is a Photoshop extension plug-in with which you can do professional level retouching but without any retouching knowledge or experience. Magic Retouch Pro is perfect for novice users, but also gives time saving tools for more experienced users. Magic Retouch Pro has robust tool set such as Skin Retouching, Teeth Whitening, Eyes Enhancer, Lips Enhancer, Digital Makeup, Skin Looks & more.
Magic Retouch Pro Features:
Magic Retouch Pro is a feature rich plug-in with a lot of features to meet your retouching, post-processing and digital makeup needs. Following are few of many features of Magic Retouch Pro
Skin Retouching
Easy to use Skin Retouching tools, just paint brush over the skin and MRP will retouch the skin automagicaly.
Teeth Whitening
Easy to use One Click Teeth Whitening and option to manually whiten teeth for greater control and precision.
Lip Gloss
Easily apply lip gloss which adds gloss naturally based on lips highlight areas.
Natural Lip Color
Boost natural color of lips just by brushing over the lips.
Eyes Color Changer
Realistically change eyes color with Eyes Color Changer.
Eyes Enhancer
Extract the hidden detail of eyes to bring the focus on eyes with the ability to modify detail strength.
Digital Makeup
Apply Digital Makeup such as Lips Stick, Blush on, & Eye Shade.
Skin Looks
Change look of the skin to Tan Skin, Candy Skin, Gritty Skin, & High Key Skin.
Intuitive Interface
Magic Retouch Pro has user friendly, streamline and intuitive interface. With categorized features and consistent navigation you will never be lost.
Easily get the the feature you want with organized layout & descriptive labels.
Buttons & slider gives you maximum control over the effect.
Complete Retouching Solution
Magic Retouch Pro is complete skin retouching & digital makeup solution with unbeatable price. It has all the tools you need to do the beauty retouch right inside Photoshop.
Magic Retouch will give you professional looking results without any extra effort or knowledge and it’s very easy to use with in depth documentation and video tutorials.


