《可塑性结构绘画基础 国外美术学院教程》ArtAcademy Plasticity – Form & Structure DVD 2

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《可塑性结构绘画基础 国外美术学院教程》ArtAcademy Plasticity – Form & Structure DVD 2-图片1

可塑性结构绘画基础 国外美术学院教程。获得绘画的基本原理,使你成长,作为一个艺术家,不断改进和加强你的素描和油画,而不是从危机到危机蹒跚。

这个投诉有一个历史的基础上:最近的美术教育的历史,就是拒绝赞成批判理论的美术工艺。在19世纪末和20世纪初的一个艺术家的集中培训,绘画工艺上Metier。大致围绕1930年开始的一个艺术家的教育所产生的包豪斯的平均主义理想。简单地说,包豪斯的轨迹创造力 - 自我表达和潜意识的绘画探索。


《可塑性结构绘画基础 国外美术学院教程》ArtAcademy Plasticity – Form & Structure DVD 2-图片2 《可塑性结构绘画基础 国外美术学院教程》ArtAcademy Plasticity – Form & Structure DVD 2-图片2《可塑性结构绘画基础 国外美术学院教程》ArtAcademy Plasticity – Form & Structure DVD 2-图片2《可塑性结构绘画基础 国外美术学院教程》ArtAcademy Plasticity – Form & Structure DVD 2-图片2《可塑性结构绘画基础 国外美术学院教程》ArtAcademy Plasticity – Form & Structure DVD 2-图片2


ArtAcademy Plasticity - Form & Structure DVD 2  |  DVD5 | 4.8Gb
Drawing is the foundation of visual art. Acquiring the fundamentals of drawing enables you to grow as an artist consistently improving and strengthening your drawings and paintings rather than lurching from crisis to crisis.Many artists, particularly those who lack the foundational skills of drawing, find themselves making the same errors over and over again unable to realise their ideas in concrete form. An example is that this is a common complaint amongst many graduates of MFA programs.
This complaint has an historical basis: the recent history of fine art education is the rejection of fine art craft in favor of critical theory. An artist's training in the late 19th and early 20th Century focused on the Metier, the craft of drawing and painting. Beginning roughly around the 1930's an artist's education engendered the egalitarian ideals of the Bauhaus. Simply put, the locus of the Bauhaus was creativity - self expression and the painterly exploration of the unconscious mind.
In the early 1960's Bauhaus pedagogy was replaced by Critical Theory. Critical theory, too, has undergone dramatic changes. In sum, most graduate art schools are theory based. There is little studio practice. The assumption is that the student has already acquired the foundational skills. Unfortunately, many students entering MFA programs are ill-prepared.
Of course, my Beginning to Draw DVD Workshop is accessible to everyone. It is a self-contained education designed for both home and class study.
The content of Beginning to Draw is equal, and more!, to a 12-week college-level foundational art course at a fraction of the cost.


