《顶级三唯建模软件Modo501 43413 SP4 Win/Mac 32/64位破解版》Luxology Modo v501.43413 SP4 Win/MacOsx with Keygen

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《顶级三唯建模软件Modo501 43413 SP4 Win/Mac 32/64位破解版》Luxology Modo v501.43413 SP4 Win/MacOsx with Keygen-图片1 《顶级三唯建模软件Modo501 43413 SP4 Win/Mac 32/64位破解版》Luxology Modo v501.43413 SP4 Win/MacOsx with Keygen-图片1《顶级三唯建模软件Modo501 43413 SP4 Win/Mac 32/64位破解版》Luxology Modo v501.43413 SP4 Win/MacOsx with Keygen-图片1

modo 501 SP4 Mac苹果版最新发布,这是一款出色的3D软件,以高级的多边形和细分表面建模和快速高质的GI渲染见长,受到许多3D爱好者和专业人士的喜爱。

《顶级三唯建模软件Modo501 43413 SP4 Win/Mac 32/64位破解版》Luxology Modo v501.43413 SP4 Win/MacOsx with Keygen-图片2
modo 501的主要改进包括:
* 交叉处理能力增强:modo 501增强了modo核心工具集-建模,绘制和渲染的交叉处理能力- 这样将会改善工作流程.两个新的核心能力被增加:真3D雕刻和对项目和属性的动画能力.

* 精确的建模和雕刻: modo有世界上最经典的细分建模特性,使建立有机体和机械类型的模型都变得容易.

* 流体3D绘制:目前可以在modo中比以前更容易的直接设置和绘制细节于复杂3D数据集.

* "无约束"渲染:modo的渲染器现在提供了新的架构,支持通过网络渲染得到高分辨率的静帧和动画序列.

* 出众的的工作流程:艺术家和设计师将会从精致而人性化的用户界面和场景管理,享受到平滑的工作流程.


《顶级三唯建模软件Modo501 43413 SP4 Win/Mac 32/64位破解版》Luxology Modo v501.43413 SP4 Win/MacOsx with Keygen-图片3
《顶级三唯建模软件Modo501 43413 SP4 Win/Mac 32/64位破解版》Luxology Modo v501.43413 SP4 Win/MacOsx with Keygen-图片3
著名的软件开发商Luxology 宣布Studio ArtFX 以将 Luxology modo整合入其工作流程。modo 是一款强大的细分表面多边形建模工具,Studio ArtFX作为一个独立的小型动画工作室通过整合modo,动画师能够快速高效的创建各种复杂模型,并与其工作流程中的其它工具紧密结合!建模强,它的渲染也是一绝。ZBrush与Modo两革命性软件完全激活了CG业的设计技术。该软件已应该于多部好莱坞电影的开发。
《顶级三唯建模软件Modo501 43413 SP4 Win/Mac 32/64位破解版》Luxology Modo v501.43413 SP4 Win/MacOsx with Keygen-图片3
luxology公司发布modo,新增的渲染器、杀手级的uv工具和功能强大3D/2D painting 系统,modo 201令人惊艳!新功能还包括了,笔刷绘画,强大的程序纹理,非常好的层和文件管理,以及跟多的功能。modo。它提供了加强的UV编辑工具、更快的速度和最新的DXF格式转换插件,modo带来重大的性能改善,并根据全球用户改进的工作流程,为高品质3D的游戏开发、视觉设计,电影特效、视频产品和图象艺术创作提供了最快速途径。

polygon的modo是一款高级多边形细分表面建模工具。modo 被设计用在电影,游戏,电视,印刷和更多的其他市场。modo 联合一个高度先进即时的细分表面引擎,快速的,有柔性的和可展开的模型用工具工作,而且最具有创新的和有柔性的使用者接口之一曾经产生。由于 modo toolset 和接口的有柔性性质, modo在创造任何类型的模型上都是优良的!Luxology 的新型多边形和细分建模软件。有先进的实时表面分层引擎、快速并且灵活的模块创建工具。

《顶级三唯建模软件Modo501 43413 SP4 Win/Mac 32/64位破解版》Luxology Modo v501.43413 SP4 Win/MacOsx with Keygen-图片4

Dear modo community,The countdown to modo 301 has now begun! I urge you to bookmark and visit this webpage frequently as it is where we will be assembling an ever growing set of information about modo 301. Our goal is to keep you informed as we enter the home stretch of the development of the next great release of modo so please check back here frequently for more updates.Enjoy!Brad Peebler
President and Co-founder
Luxology LLC

《顶级三唯建模软件Modo501 43413 SP4 Win/Mac 32/64位破解版》Luxology Modo v501.43413 SP4 Win/MacOsx with Keygen-图片5

Luxology Modo v501.43413 SP4 Win/MacOsx | 627 MB

Luxology MODO – an innovative program for 3D modeling, painting and rendering in a single working environment. Feature of the program is a powerful but intuitive tool for designing complex geometric shapes using podrazdelnyh surfaces. Over the years the product was gradually transformed into a fully versatile pack. The program interface offers a great setting virtually all work items.

Highly sought will be preinstalled in its navigational styles that best approximate the principles of interaction with the tools to the methods practiced in 3DS Max, Maya and other similar decisions. For convenience, all the key technological transitions (drawing, animation, rendering, etc.) made in separate modules.

Key features:

• Polygonal modeling and a separate surface
• The exact design of the geometry
• Two types of tools for constructing the model: the grid and based on a graphic image
• UV editing world
• Powerful and flexible system of drawing for 2D and 3D
• Fast rendering
• Model and full rendering in detail
• Powerful animation and modeling

Home page :http://www.luxology.com/


