实时光现追踪渲染程序(win32&64) Luxion KeyShot Pro V2.1.20

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实时光现追踪渲染程序(win32&64)  Luxion KeyShot Pro V2.1.20-图片1

官方网站: http://www.keyshot.com/index.html

实时光现追踪渲染程序(win32&64)  Luxion KeyShot Pro V2.1.20-图片2

本软件同Bunkspeed HyperShot一模一样,是Bunkspeed HyperShot的替代产品KeyShot™ 正式发布,取代先前的 HyperShot。 KeyShot™ 意为”The Key to Amazing Shots”,是一个互动性的光线追踪与全域光渲染程序,无需复杂的设定即可产生相片般真实的3D渲染影像。

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KeyShot is the key to amazing shots ... in seconds. Communicating early concepts. Trying to
make design decisions. Creating marketing and sales images. No matter what you are trying
to do, KeyShot breaks down the complexity barriers of creating photo-realistic images from
3D models. Faster, easier, and more amazing than ever before. KeyShot 2 is an all new
application built on Luxion's production proven realtime raytracing and global illumination
technology. We have taken the world's fastest rendering engine, and made it even faster.
Highlights of the new release include:
Significantly faster realtime interaction. A new, rapid, high-quality shadowing algorithm takes
full advantage of multi-core CPUs, delivering smooth, noise-free results instantly
Optimized workflow through new interface
Drag and drop capabilities of materials, textures and envrionments
A scene tree that makes interaction with mulitple parts and models a snap
A new innovative labeling system allows any number of labels to be added to any material
New import pipeline supports many more file formats on both PC and Mac
New rendering capabilities
The new rendering features in KeyShot 2 allow users to work faster, and obtain even more
accurate results than ever before.
Key capabilities include:
• Scene tree for better scene management
• Light emitting materials with intensity and color control
• Merging of previously saved scenes with current scenes
• Unlimited label placement on any material
• Ground global illumination without a physical plane
Performance improvements
KeyShot 2 has been further optimized to run even faster on PC and Mac without the need for
special graphic cards. Performance improvements reach up to 50% compared to KeyShot and
Performance improvements include:
• Loading of 3D data
• Calculation of detailed and ground shadows
• Image resolution in realtime
• Offline render times
New importing capabilities
KeyShot 2 features an all new data import pipeline for Pro/ENGINEER on both PC and Mac.
Unlike before, the importers don’t require Pro/ENGINEER to be physically installed, and
therefore work much faster. When design changes are being made to the Pro/ENGINEER
model, the model can be reimported into KeyShot without losing any of the materials
assignment previously made. This will also work with any other supported file format.
PC requirements
Windows XP 32/64 bit
Windows Vista 32/64 bit
Windows 7 32/64 bit
AMD or Pentium 4 processor or better

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