《Maya高级毛发插件FXHair》FXHair 2012 for MAYA 2009-2012

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《Maya高级毛发插件FXHair》FXHair 2012 for MAYA 2009-2012
FXHair主要是处理Maya Hair的模拟运算部分。号称可以在与身体作碰撞、加上风力场的情况下,以每三秒一个fram的效率处理3500个Curves(75000控制点)。

《Maya高级毛发插件FXHair》FXHair 2012 for MAYA 2009-2012

Flexible Workflow
FXHair accepts NURBS curves as input and produces simulated output NURBS curves. This enables various combinations of existing hair tools with FXHair.
- Example #1 : Nurbs Curves FXHair Maya Hair
- Example #2 : Attaching a FXHair solver to an existing Maya Hair system
- Example #3 : Shave & Haircut FXHair Renderman

FXHair is a FXGear’s proprietary hair simulation software that aims to create realistic digital doubles. The fast and robust collision handling and realistic hair-to-hair interaction are the most salient features of ‘FXHair’. Furthermore, it can maintain the original hair styles during simulation and can smoothly deform hairs to animated target shapes through the ‘Goal Shape Control’ feature without losing inertial movement and naturalness.

FXHair detects and resolves collisions to fast moving objects robustly. The stable simulation of hair dynamics allows the digital character to move wildly without stretching of hairs or any other artifacts.

Self Interaction
The accurate and fast self interaction between hairs is one of the most important feature of FXHair. Without proper self interaction, the hairs look unnatural and the sense of volume of hairs may disappear.

Goal Shape Control
The hair curves can be attracted to animated goal curves and the attraction strength can be scaled along the curve length.

Flexible Workflow
FXHair accepts NURBS curves as input and produces simulated output NURBS curves. This enables various combinations of existing hair tools with FXHair.


